Thursday, January 7, 2016


I was holding on to some deeply ingrained beliefs about aging that may no longer be valid. This book has been helpful, and so far I have shared six posts containing insights from the author. Today I've summarized final highlights, and my hope is that you will consider these ideas as we move into what could be the most productive season of our lives. As we move into the 21st century, the author suggests that we:
See the aging process as a positive time of continuing growth, focusing on emerging freedom, options and choices rather than the current popular image of decline, disarray and decay.
Understand you will likely be living a longer, healthier life than previous generations, and that you will need to make the most of these extra vital years.
Stay optimistic and maintain a sense of humor - age is much more a state of mind than a number of years.
See aging and planning as a continuing lifetime process. 
Know that the creative spirit, far from declining with age, may actually gain in strength and vigor if you concentrate on doing what really matters to you.
Believe strongly in that for which you live - the greatest anti-aging secret. 

Here are my previous posts about this book.....
Click HERE for Part I.
Click HERE for Part II.
Click HERE for Part III.
Click HERE for Part IV.
Click HERE for Part V.

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