Saturday, August 22, 2015


I must admit, I read this book for my own benefit.

I found myself holding on to some deeply ingrained beliefs about aging that, according to the author, are no longer valid. Having read the book, my plan is to post the most challenging of the authors insights and reflect briefly on each one. My hope is that all adults will consider these ideas, and the 60, 70, even 80 somethings will be informed and motivated as we move into what could be the most productive season of our lives. 

The book is divided into three parts

1. Rejecting the myths of aging and working.
2. Learning a new way to tell time. (functionally rather than chronologically).
3. Resetting the career clock, becoming free agents and entrepreneurs.

I hope these posts will challenge you to re-think some of your assumptions on aging, no matter what your age.
"Our intuitive wisdom and honed instincts, using what I have labeled our third eye and third ear, need to be at center stage now. A basic premise of this book is that what seemed true and certain in the past, or even in the present, may now have become a mindless myth, regardless of its revered position. We cannot move through our changing world loaded with outdated, thoughtless beliefs and generally accepted "truths" that direct us off course. 
We need a healthy, positive, questioning skepticism and not a cynical, turned off, negative, or suspicious approach to our world. This requires information, careful listening, and asking questions that are meaningful to us. It is critical today to watch for the cliched wisdom of conventional authority. If there ever were a time to think directly and clearly for oneself, to tune in, to listen, sharpen, and value our instincts and intuition, it is now.
Maybe we should reconsider our usefulness beyond age 65, even 70! Maybe society in general and the church in particular needs to reconsider this. 

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