Thursday, August 27, 2015


My hope is that all adults will consider the ideas in this book, and the 60, 70, even 80 somethings will be informed and motivated as we move into what could be the most productive season of our lives. Here are insights and reflections from the Introduction of this book.

"We in the twenty-first century, in spite of living in a fast-moving and chaotic world, have an extraordinary advantage over previous generations: through improved nutrition, fitness, lifestyle changes, and medical research, we can anticipate an extra twenty to thirty years of healthy living. If these extra years are handled wisely, our "middle age" will double dramatically into a new second midlife, while our "old" age shrinks."

"Filling a need; making a life, not just making a living, is essential for a full life. The good life means living in the place where you belong, being with people you love, doing the right work - on purpose. Work without purpose or meaning is deadly."

"Men and women in their later years can, if they choose, develop and maintain their powers to produce, learn, and create until the very end of life's journey. However, to accomplish this requires that we break through our negative belief barriers that render us prematurely old."

"We are on a new frontier of how to live and work creatively and successfully until the last day we live. We must be the pathfinders, leading the way on how to make significant changes in our work life, at midlife and beyond. We can do this by concentrating on functional age - ignoring chronology, and learning a new way to tell time, re-careering and rethinking retirement, moving from career crisis to career quest, creating and activating what I call a "capstone" career. By knowing what we want and doing what we love, we can continue life's journey with creativity, wisdom, power, and purpose."


In the next post about this book, I will share insights and reflections from Chapter 1 - "Rejecting the Myths of Aging and Working."

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