Saturday, September 12, 2015


Profiles and Conversations with Ministry Leaders.

A few years ago, Dr. Tom Nees published a book containing interviews of "K-Church" pastors, (Nazarene pastors who pastor churches of 1000 or more) in an attempt to understand the effective practices we've adapted that may have contributed to our church's growth. Today I will continue to share excerpts from his conversation with me. 

In my last post Tom asked me "What changes have you had to make in your personal leadership style?" After I shared my answer (see link at bottom of this post) he asked me this question: 
Dr. Tom Nees - "What is distinctive about your worship experience?"
Bud Reedy "I work very hard on keeping a close connection between pulpit and altar. Our worship pastor has learned that he's got to give me enough time to not only preach the Sermon but also draw in the net. We put a lot of emphasis on the response to the sermon. That reflects our Holiness tradition. 
For me - maybe I'm an old fashion guy - but for me there will always be a very close connection between altar and pulpit. I preach to the will and I preach for decision. The worship pastor views music as setting the table for the proclamation event."
In my next (and last) excerpt I will respond to Tom's question, "Do you have a word for denominational leaders?" 

Previous Posts about this book.

To view Part I of this series, please click HERE.

To view Part II of this series, please click HERE.

To view Part III of this series, please click HERE.

To view Part IV of this series, please click HERE.

To view Part V of this series, please click HERE.

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