Saturday, August 15, 2015


Best Practices of Growing Churches - Profiles and Conversations with Ministry Leaders.

A few years ago, Dr. Tom Nees published a book containing interviews of some "K-church" pastors, (Nazarene pastors who pastor churches of 1000 or more), in an attempt to understand the effective practices we've adapted that may have contributed to our church's growth. Today I will continue to share excerpts from his conversation with me. 

In my last post Tom asked me "What percentage of our people are in small groups?" After I shared my answer he asked me this question. 
Dr. Tom Nees - "With all that variety, what holds the church together with a common identity?"
Bud Reedy Our mission statement and core values. We no longer say, "OK, if you're a good Nazarene and if you're a Spirit-filled Christian, you're going to be here Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night; you're going to be here for twelve nights of revival, and you're going to be involved on three boards." 
What we say is. "Are you building these five core values into your life - devotion, worship, discipleship, service, and witness? Here are the many different ways you can implement these things." We no longer ask, "Were you on the campus on Sunday night?" In fact, we don't even ask, "Were you on the campus Sunday?" because we have people who worship on Saturday night and on Friday night. So we just ask different questions.
This is still a high expectation, high-level-of-commitment church. We don't feel that it's been compromised that all. It's just that we've changed the way we talk about spiritual growth, spiritual formation, and Christlikeness. 

My next post will include response to Tom's question, "As you've changed the church programs to meet the needs and schedules of those you're adding, what changes have you had to make in the organization structure of the church? What internal changes have been necessary to drive this growth?"


To view Best Practices Part I click HERE.
To view Best Practices Part II click HERE.

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