Friday, July 3, 2015


I found this book at a thrift store. It is full of practical secrets to save you time and money, and to help you stay healthy. I've decided to share one idea from this book with you each week. 

Since it's Friday, I thought this gem was interesting. It's called "The fish that don't kill you will make you stronger." Check this out....

"Eating some fish will seriously jeopardize your health because of the mercury content, but eating others will help you live to 100. Which are which?

These types are safe and have lots of Omega3 for a healthier heart:
anchovies, chinook salmon, farmed salmon, herring, atlantic mackerel, sablefish, striped bass, pacific oysters, sardines, albacore tuna and freshwater trout. 

But swim clear of these five, which you should only have once or twice a month, or not at all if your pregnant or under 5 years old: king mackerel, swordfish, marlin, tuna steak and shark tilefish."

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