Friday, May 22, 2015


My sister Patsy "Reedy" Ervin gave me a copy of this book on July 20, 1994 with the note "I Love You". Yes, I'm keeping this one.

As a matter of fact, 20 years later, it's actually quite good. Would you like to know what the top ten mistakes are? Huh? Would you!
  1. A Top-Down Attitude
  2. Putting Paperwork before Peoplework.
  3. The Absence of Affirmation.
  4. Not making room for Mavericks.
  5. Dictatorship in Decision-Making.
  6. Dirty Delegation (refusing to let go!).
  7. Communication Chaos.
  8. Missing the Clues From Culture.
  9. Success Without Successors.
  10. Failure to Focus on the Future. 


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