Tuesday, January 26, 2016


In the book "DANGEROUS WONDER" Mike Yaconelli tells a story that explains the title of his book.  It's interesting how he describes the disciples rowing across a lake while Jesus slept in the boat. 
"A frightening storm surprised them and before they could prepare, their old and questionable boat was being slammed by ten-foot-swells, they were taking in water, and they were in danger of sinking. "You made storms!" "Do something!"
Jesus did do something. He said, "Be still!" And the storm stopped. The water was immediately as calm as glass. It was eerily still. I have to believe the disciples were petrified. I'll bet they didn't move for thirty minutes until, finally, one of them leaned over to the other and said, "Don't make Him mad." I believe the disciples were more afraid after the storm was calmed than during it. The disciples experienced firsthand the dangerous wonder of being with Jesus.
Another excerpt from Dangerous Wonder tomorrow ..... 

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