Thursday, November 19, 2015


A lot of people believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. This belief is based on prophecies both in the Old Testament and New Testament, the words of Jesus Himself and John’s vision of the end times as found in the book of Revelation.

Although there are many different interpretations of these scriptures, three things most Christians agree on:

1. Jesus is coming again.
2. We don’t know when Jesus is coming.
3. We need to be ready.
That’s the part I want to focus on: Living Ready. So are you? Ready, I mean? 

Don’t know what it means to Live Ready? Well, the Bible is our Live Ready handbook. It’s clear on how to Live Ready for the Lord’s return. And the Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene wants to help as many people as we can get ready . . . be ready . . . stay ready.

Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene 
400 Stillmeadow Lane York, PA


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