Monday, November 23, 2015



Check out this conversation between Jesus and His disciples found in Matthew 24:

Disciples: “Jesus, what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?” 

Jesus: “Well, many people will come in my name with forged identities claiming “I am Christ, I am Messiah” . . . and they will deceive a lot of people.”

Living ready for our Lord’s return must involve a careful, intentional spiritual discernment of every person who claims to be a preacher of the gospel . . . who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ. False prophets preaching false, dangerous doctrines abound. Always have. Always will until Jesus returns.

That’s why it’s so important that we be a part of a confessional faith community that carefully examines every teaching (their own and others) to see if those teachings and teachers are consistent with the Scriptures. We need the wisdom of one another if we are going to live ready for our Lord’s return.
We want to help you and your family live ready for whatever is next. Check us out at

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