Thursday, November 26, 2015


Check out another conversation between Jesus and His disciples in Matthew 24.

Disciples: Jesus, what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
Jesus: “Well, here’s one. You will hear reports of wars and rumors of wars.
Disciples: OK. What should we do when we hear these things?
Jesus: “Keep your head. Don’t panic. It’s always been this way. This is routine history.”
Jesus was right (as always). Humans have been at war with one another from the very beginning of human history. There have only been a few periods of peace in the entire history of the world. Someone observed these “peaceful times were simply a time of reloading.”

As Christ followers, we have been called upon to live at peace with all persons. Jesus is the Prince of Peace so He’s uniquely qualified to help us live peacefully, even with our enemies. And by grace, we can.

We would like to help you and your family live peacefully. We are the Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene. Check us out at

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