Sunday, October 25, 2015


Remember this song? “Making your Way in the World Today takes everything you’ve got. Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.”

This song expresses well the importance of living in a community of meaningful relational connections. Jesus said: “In this life you will have trouble.” That may be the greatest understatement of all time. But the good news is that Jesus left behind a church. And, when it’s at its best, it is a place that will help people live ready for whatever comes their way in this life.

The church can be a place where everybody knows your name. If you are nearby York, PA today, please visit with our Stillmeadow family. We really will be glad you came!

Today @ 7:45, 9:15 and 11:00 am

Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene

400 Stillmeadow Lane York, PA

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