Saturday, September 19, 2015


I’ve been going through some old files recently . . . things I’ve written and in some cases, published down through the years. (Wow! Hard to believe I’ve been in Christian pastoral ministry for almost 40 years!)

Anyway, I thought I’d share (or re-share - is that a word?) some of this stuff with you. I’ll start with some stuff from a book I edited and contributed to called "TOTAL: A Handbook for Nazarene Youth Ministry." 

This book, along with a notebook full of youth ministry resources was published in 1985 by Nazarene Publishing House. Here’s an excerpt from p. 13 of the Handbook:
The purpose of Nazarene Youth Ministries shall be to build up its members in Christian faith and in holy character and to instruct them in the Word of God and in the doctrines of the church. It shall also be the purpose of Nazarene Youth Ministries to bring others to Christ and to provide ways for equipping youth for the total mission of the church through worship, witness, ministry and fellowship."
"It seems to me that methods come and go . . . as they should. But purpose is constant . . . "the general, comprehensive, long-range reason why the organization should continue to exist."

  • So, how would you describe/define the purpose of your church’s ministry to youth?
  • What methods are you using to reach your church’s youth ministry goals?
How is it going? I’d love to hear!

To view more details about "TOTAL" click HERE

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