Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Leonard Sweet is the most quote-able guy I know. 

So I've been sharing some quotes from his book, "11 Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without". 

Here's one more....

I'd be tender-I'd be gentle, 
and awful sentimental
If I only had a heart. 

The Wizard of Oz

"I have met more ministers than I care to count who, after thirty years of ministry, are so beaten and discouraged that I call them "Tin Men," after the Tim Man from The Wizard of Oz: if only he had a heart. The truth is he once did: a heart with a calling, a heart with passion. But without a Barnabus, those ministers succumbed to the blood sucking despair that can leech into the heart itself. At the end of that brick road, only a lie hides behind the wizard's curtain. The lie goes like this: You can go it alone."

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