Saturday, July 18, 2015


Leonard Sweet is the most quote-able guy I know. 

So for the next several weeks, I plan to share some quotes from his book,

"11 Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without". 

Here's one:

"A Cheyenne Indian song says, "Only the stones stay on earth forever". When you look at the Rolling Stones it seems like that. But even the Rolling Stones will roll to a stop on day, for all the reasons that stop the rest of us from rolling along forever. Even the Rolling Stones can't stay on earth forever.

We all end up in the same box. We all become a box lunch for worms. We only have a short time to fulfill our mission. That's why we need some Jethro's to hear the two "shaloms" everyday, for one without the other is a profound half-truth.
Lech l'shalom: Live each day as if it were your first. 
Lech b'shalom: Live each day as if it were your last. 
The Jethro blessing is the blessing of "you're history!" with a double meaning of "you're history".

The first meeting is this. With everything you do, every action you take, you're making history. "You're history, Sweet."

The second meeting is this. Everyday could be my last, and at any moment, it could be over, finished, the end. "You're history, Sweet."

"Will you look back on your life and see a succession of sorrows, missteps, missed moments? Or will you look back on your life with a sense of satisfaction and joy? If life matters, you have to give your life to mattering. Will your life matter? Or will you live one of those Paris Hilton lives that have nothing to say? 

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