Friday, July 17, 2015


Reflections on my Sermon from May 2006
Last week I had a conversation with myself that went something like this.

"Pastor Bud, why don't you post a "sermon reunion" each week on this blog?" 
"You know, a summary of some sermons that you've preached during the last few decades. My answer? "OK, I will!"

I'm going to start with a sermon series that I called, "LIFE 101-The Role of Tests in the Life of Faith". From James 1:1-12, we learned three important principles:

  1. The life of faith is a series of tests,
  2. They each have a definite purpose. (to make us more like Jesus)
  3. And certain tests can be expected.
During this sermon series we focused on lessons Joseph learned through distinct tests that helped him become the man God created Him to be. These tests were a necessary part of his journey, and as time goes on, you will discover that tests are a necessary part of your pilgrimage as well.

Robert Morris, in his book, "From Dream to Destiny" writes this of Joseph: "Something was standing in the way of Joseph's moving toward the destiny God had shown him in a dream. And Joseph was about to have an opportunity to face that obstacle and deal with it. The reason for this test was quite simple. Joseph had pride in his heart." (p.17)

I think there were two theological affirmations from God's word that seem to support the need for this test.
  1. The Father Hates Pride: He Will Not Tolerate It In His Children.
  2. The Father Loves Humility: It is this Christlike Virtue He Is Looking For In Us. 
At the end of my sermon I offered this challenge: "Pretend your life has been recorded. I want you to push your rewind button and have a quiet conversation with yourself. Take the next few minutes to freeze frame every major test you've been through (that you can remember) and ask yourself these important questions.

  • Did the test make you bitter or better?
  • Because of the test, are you more like Jesus or more like yourself?
  • Did the test make you angry?
  • Did it make you greater self-reliant, or greater God reliant?
  • Were you more determined to do it your way
  • Or more determined to do it God's way?
I pray that you will go back for this "TEST REUNION" and let these experiences have their humbling effect. This is what God wants to do. 

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