Monday, May 18, 2015


This little book is another in a growing list of business/organization “fables” that use stories to teach leadership and business principles.

This fable is about a colony of penguins that discover their way of life is being threatened by changing conditions. The interaction between the residents of this one iceberg is both humorous and instructive. Woven throughout the book are 8 steps needed to navigate change:

                                   1. Create a sense of urgency;
                                   2. Pull together a guiding team;
                                   3. Develop the change vision and strategy;
                                   4. Communicate for understanding;
                                   5. Empower others to act;
                                   6. Produce short –term wins;
                                   7. Don’t let up;
                                   8. Create a new culture.

John P. Kotter, Harvard Business School, has written two other books about change: “Leading Change”; and the “Heart of Change”. You may also be interested in checking out these related web-sites: Click HERE and HERE

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