Monday, March 9, 2015


 DAY FIFTEEN    Welcome to the conversation between myself and Jeb Bush regarding the immigration wars. Today Jeb gets down to Brass Tacks....

"We propose a path to permanent legal resident status for those who entered our country illegally as adults and who have committed no additional crimes of significance. The first step in obtaining that status should be to plead guilty to have committed the crime of illegal entry, and to receive an appropriate punishment consisting of fines and or community service. 

Anyone who does not come forward under this process will be subject to automatic deportation, unless they choose to return voluntarily to their native countries. Once immigrants who entered illegally as adults plead guilty and pay the applicable fines or perform community service, they will become eligible to start the process to earn permanent legal residency.  

Such residency should entail paying taxes, learning English, and committing no substantial crimes."

Too much? Enforceable? Fair? Just?

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