Monday, March 2, 2015


Welcome to the continuing conversation between Jeb Bush and myself concerning the immigration wars. (actually, I'm just reading his book!)

Jeb suggests "a temporary guest worker process allows us to test drive future American citizens. He believes that after 5 years of working pursuable to renewable temporary work visas, guest workers should be entitled to green cards if they have obeyed the law and paid taxes."Does that make sense to you? It kinda does to me.


  1. No, and the reason is this. You and I are white middle class Americans who were born into citizenship. We were never test drove. To test drive someone just seems I humane and degrading. Thoughts like "you are a Mexican and can't be trusted, so let's test drive you." Defeat the principles of Christ's Kingdom of acceptance. My initial thoughts. Jonathon Maloney

  2. I wish I knew what to think! It is a big problem, if you listen to the politicians. Why is it so difficult to come here legally? What is so difficult in taking the legal steps? I think I agree with Maloney. I wouldn't want to be tested for 5 years to see if I rate. I guess I need to research and ask more questions. If I wanted to move to Honduras and become a citizen, Would it take 5 years to get approved? The Lack
