Friday, March 13, 2015


Since we are approximately halfway through Jeb Bush's book, this may be a good place to see explore what God has said on the subject. 

A constant theme in Scripture from the Old Testament all the way through the New Testament is that the people of God are to welcome strangers.  Scripture tells us to "take care when we welcome the stranger, because we may be entertaining angels unaware." Hebrews 13:2 

Do you think this has any bearing on the North American churches stance on immigration? Or does this apply only to the 1st century church?


  1. Well, if it was a CONSTANT theme and We know God is constant. And our Brother Jesus is constant. Then the North American neighbors better CONtinually, CONsistently be CONstant to God's constant theme of caring and giving Hope to all who need. We are to be Troubled by the Troubled!

    1. other words our theology must inform our politics.
