Monday, February 9, 2015


I’ve been looking at a book recently with a very interesting title. “100 Christian Books That Changed The Century”. It’s been an interesting read so far.  And it’s got me to thinkin . . .

What are the 100 books that have had the greatest influence on my ministry, whose authors have made the greatest contribution to my life and ministry so far?  

Here’s my list:

1.    The Bible (KJV)

2.    The Bible (NIV)

3.    The Bible (The Message)

Now, from here on out these titles will appear in no particular order.
4.    Rees Howells:  Intercessor.  Norman Grubb

5.    Heaving God.  Dallas Willard

6.    Prayer.  Philip Yancey

7.    Prayer.  Richard Foster

8.    Mighty Prevailing Prayer.  Wesley Duewel

9.    Praying In The Wesleyan Spirit.  Paul Chilcote

10.  The Half-Empty Heart.  Alan Downs

11.  A Resilient Life. Gordon MacDonald

12.  Addiction and Grace.  Gerald May

13.  Healing for Damaged Emotions.  David Seamands

14.  Age Power.  Ken Dychtwald

15.  Total:  A Handbook for Nazarene Youth Ministry

16.  Anger.  Carol Tavris.

17.  The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce.  Judith Wallerstein

18.  Covenant Marriage.  Gary Chapman

19.  Man’s Search for Meaning.  Victor Frankl

20.  Boundaries.  Henry Cloud

21.  Journeymen:  A Spiritual Guide for Men.  Kent I. Groff

22.  Soul Feast.  Marjorie Thompson

23.  The Way of The Heart.  Henri Nouwen

24.  The Search to Belong.  Joseph Myers

25.  Experiencing God.  Henri Blackaby

26.  The Active Life.  Parker Palmer

27.  Dissident Discipleship.  David Augsburger

28.  Ordering Your Private World.  Gordan MacDonald

29.  Streams of Living Water.  Richard Foster

30.  The Divine Conspiracy.  Dallas Willard

31.  The Return of the Prodigal Son.  Henri Nouwen

32.  Celebration of Disciple.  Richard Foster

33.  The Traveler’s Gift.  Andy Andrews

34.  The Purpose Driven Life.  Rick Warren

35.  Finding Water.  Julia Cameron

36.  The Purpose Driven Church – Rick Warren

37.  Simple Church.  Thom Rainer

38.  Escape From Church, Inc.  E. Glenn Wagner

39.  The Emotionally Healthy Church.  Peter Scazzero

40.  The Unstoppable Force.  E. Raphael McManus

41.  Seizing Your Divine Moment.  E. Raphael McManus

42.  Churchquake!  C. Peter Wagner

43.  The Extremely-Focused Church.  Rick Rasaw

44.  Revolution.  George Barna

45.  Becoming A Healthy Church.  Steve Macchia

46.  The Habits of Highly Effective Churches.  George Barna

47.  The Present Future.  Reggie McNeal

48.  So Beautiful.  Len Sweet

49.  The Multi-Site Revolution.  Suratt, Ligon, Bird.

50.  Values – Driven Leadership.  Aubrey Malphurs

51.  Good to Great.  Jim Collins

52.  Good to Great in God’s Eyes.  Chip Ingram

53.  Outliers.  Malcolm Gladwell

54.  Blink.  Malcolm Gladwell

55.  Tipping Point.  Malcolm Gladwell

56.  Leadership On The Other Side.  Bill Easum

57.  7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Steven Covey

58.  Integrity.  Stephen L. Carter

59.  Integrity.  Henry Cloud

60.  Civility.  Stephen L. Carter

61.  Who Moved My Cheese.  Spencer Johnson

62.  Two Nations.  Andrew Hackman

63.  Culture Wars.  James Davidson Hunter

64.  A Theology of Love.  Mildred B. Wynkoop

65.  Relational Holiness.  Oord/Lodahl

66.  Crazy Love.  Francis Chan

67.  Life In The Son.  Robert Shark

68.  A Right Conception of Sin. Richard Taylor

69.   Wounded Healer. – Henri Nouwen

70.   Rich Christian In An Age of Hunger. Ron Sider

71.  Un Christian. David Kennenan

72.  Growing An Engaged Church. Al Winseman

73.   The Great Emergence. Phyllis Tickle

74.  The Hole In The Gospel. Richard Sterns

75.  The Gospel In A Pluralist Society. Les Newbigin

76.  The Next Christendom.  Philip Jenkins

77.  As If the Heart Mattered. Greg Clapper

78.  Outward Sign and Inward Grace. Ron Staples

79.  Devotional Life In The Wesleyan Tradition. Steve Harper

80.  John Wesley:  Holiness of Heart and Life.  Charles Yrigoyen

81.  Preaching. Calvin Miller

82.  Speaking In Parables.  Sallie McFague

83.  Pastoral Theology. Thomas C. Oden

84.  Working the Angles. Eugene Peterson

85.  The Master Plan of Evangelism.  Robert Coleman

86.  Beacon Dictionary of Theology. Taylor, Grider, Taylor

87.  Simply Christian.  N.T. Wright

88.  Responsible Grace. Randy Maddox

89.  What’s So Amazing About Grace? Philip Yancey

90.  The Jesus Creed

91.  A Passion For Christ. Douglas D. Webster

92.  The Signature of Jesus. Brennan Manning

93.  The Heart of Christianity. Marcus Borg

94.  Cristus Victor. Gustaf Auleu.

95.  The Humor of Christ.  Eldon Trueblood

96.  The Message of the Prophets.  Gerhard Von Red

97.  The Hard Sayings of Jesus.  F.F.Bruce

98.  The Parables of Jesus.  Arland Hultgren

99.   Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down.  Marva J. Dawn

100. The Pastor. Eugene Peterson

Yep, after surveying my library, these are the 100 books that, after some thought, I have been able to remember at least one idea that stuck in my memory and shaped my ministry . . .  so far.