Friday, October 9, 2015


Ever notice how some folks aren't quite sure what to do when they retire? This story from "Finishing Well" may help us understand why. Be challenged! 

"One of my favorite stories is about the dog races in Florida. They train these dogs to chase an electric rabbit. One night the rabbit broke down and the dogs caught it. But they didn’t know what to do with it. They were just leaping around, yelping and biting one another, totally confused about what just happened.

I think that’s a picture of what happens to all sorts of people who catch the rabbit in their life. Whether it’s wealth or fame or beauty or a bigger house, or whatever, the prize isn’t what they thought it would be. And when they finally get it, they don’t know what to do with their lives. 

This is a huge factor in finishing badly: People need a rabbit that won’t break down. But that’s something the superficial values of this world can't really give them.”

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