Sunday, October 4, 2015


My sermon today focuses on a subject that is very near and dear to my heart - and is my mission as I understand it: "The starting and developing of Worshiping Congregations.” 

What makes up a worshiping congregation? We will discuss these 6 P's and then focus on 6 reasons why it is important to start new congregations.
  1. A new worshiping congregation will reach more unchurched/unsaved persons.
  2. A new worshiping congregation will minister to more Christians.
  3. A new worshiping congregation will reach different groups of people.
  4. A new worshiping congregation will help us break out of the typical congregational life cycle.
  5. A new worshiping congregation will allow for change while retaining the familiar.
  6. A new worshiping congregation may activate some “inactive” members.

If you are nearby York, PA
you have my personal invitation to visit 
with our Stillmeadow family today.

Join us at 7:45, 9:15, or 11:00 am

Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene
400 Stillmeadow Lane York, PA

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