Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Again, what we have here is another in a growing list of these “business parable” books that use story to teach business and leadership principles.

This one is different because it doesn’t use whales or mice or penguins in the story but real, ordinary people, which, in my opinion was a wise decision.

The story is about a young salesman named Joe who is struggling. So, through a “connector” he meets and is mentored by a man who shares his “trade secrets” with him: become a giver (of course, the kingdom parallels are obvious!) Through a series of introductions and conversations, Joe learns the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success:

1. The Law of Value - "your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment". 
2. The Law of Compensation - "your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them".
3. The Law of Influence - "your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other peoples interest first". 
4. The Law of Authenticity - "the most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself". 
5. The Law of Receptivity - "the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving"
Observation: The story does not carry the book. These 5 principles carry the day. As you read over them, you can’t help but see the “Christian” values put forth here.

It was not a breathless page turner. It is not filled with witty exchanges, just good solid ideas. I liked it. Especially the “condition” the mentor required: “We don’t go on unless you immediately apply what you’ve learned.” Excellent.

Out of 5 stars, a 4 is given.

About the authors

Bob Burg is a highly sought-after speaker who teaches the principles at the core of The Go-Giver to audiences worldwide. A former top sales professional, he is also the author of Endless Referrals. He lives in Florida.

John David Mann has been writing about business, leadership, and the laws of success for more than twenty years. He is the author of The Zen of MLM and coauthor of You Call the Shots and A Deadly Misunderstanding. He lives in Massachusetts.

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