Tuesday, August 25, 2015


If my memory serves me, it's been 35 years since I read a church history from cover to cover.

Even then, while a student at Nazarene Theological Seminary, I'm not sure I read both volumes of Latourettee from cover to cover. I only read those portions that Dr. Paul Bassett assigned. (although, as I look through those books, I discover that most every page is either highlighted or underlined).

Since then, I've read only references to the History of Christianity. I think that's, partially at least, what attracted me to this volume: Christianity: A Global History by David Chidester. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable a read this volume was. (read all 600 pages in a little over a week)

Upon completion, I did read some reviews and, as to be expected, they were mixed. I will say this about the book. The author delivered what he promised. The book is not an encyclopedia. He left out many things. No, this book was a story well told. It was a historical novel really. And frankly, I like the genre. 

Now, what I want to do in the future is post some of the most interesting statements and stories from the book. I will begin each post by asking, "Did You Know?" And then dive into the text with little or no comment. Here is a basic example from one of the chapters.
"Jesus was born in the Galilean village of Nazareth sometime between 6 and 4 BC, shortly before the end of the reign of King Herod the Great. He was raised in a pious Jewish family, the eldest of five brothers and several sisters. His home language was Aramaic, but he knew some Greek and Hebrew. He acquired basic literacy and learned the craft of a woodworker. 
In his early thirties Jesus was attracted to the religious movement of John, known as the Baptist, who was gaining a following at the Jordan River for his ritual of repentance and purification. Shortly after receiving John's baptism, Jesus embarked on his own project of teaching. He traveled around the villages of Galilee, then went to the city of Jerusalem during pilgrimage festivals. 
After less than three years of public activity, Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem, examined before officials of the priestly aristocracy, turned over to the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate, and condemned to death by crucifixion. Suffering that torturous form of Roman execution reserved for traders or rebels, Jesus died in his mid-thirties around the year 30 C.E."
I hope you learn something new from future statements and stories!

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