Thursday, June 11, 2015


My good friend Jimy McGarvey gave me this book to review. Thanks Jim!

The author suggests 5 actions that will transform teams, businesses, and communities. The five actions are:
  1. Upend the pyramid 
  2. Raise the bar 
  3. Blaze the trail 
  4. Build on strengths 
  5. Run to great purpose

Leadership is the largest section in my library. As I'm looking at the library I've put together, I would say "The Serving Leader" is in the middle of the pack. 

Maybe it was the author, maybe it was the editor, but use phrases like "Powerful Action" and Trans-formative Team" you better deliver.

Good book. But it was neither trans-formative or powerful. Good? Yes! Powerful? Trans-formative? No. I like books and other resources that under sell and over deliver. 

3.25 out of 5 stars.

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