Friday, May 1, 2015


   1.    Because Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to take the gospels to the whole world.  World mission is the church’s responsibility . . . the whole church .  . . every last one of us.  
   2.    Because the Holy Spirit is at work raising up missionaries from within the church . . . missionaries from all nations, ethnic groups and societies God has honored Stillmeadow by raising up cross-culture missionaries from among us.  
   3.    Because the Bible, our primary authority, is a missionary document.  Our missionary God sent His missionary Son to create a missionary community . . . the church. The Bible is one great missionary Book. 
   4.    Because the telling of this continuing missionary story is what pastors, teachers and leaders are called to do.   
   5.    Because Christ-followers are supposed to educate other Christ- followers about our God given commission to make disciples throughout the world.  
   6.    Because a biblical, world mission emphasis will ignite a passion for lost people within the church . . . a burning desire that Jesus alone be worshiped everywhere. 
     Quite frankly, a world mission emphasis is not just one more program in the church. Jesus said, “go and make disciples.” The word go in the original Greek language is one of great urgency. Jesus is saying: “Don’t delay. Get going. Multiply until people from every corner of the earth . . . every nation, ethnic group, tribe and language know about Jesus and is given an opportunity to follow Jesus.”

That’s why we have a missional partnership with East Jamaica.
That’s why we have a congregation in the City of York.
That’s why we love world mission and give generously to the World    Evangelism Fund.

That’s why!

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