Friday, May 29, 2015


How do you coach someone who exhibits a troubled soul?

While the following is far from an exhaustive list, we offer four more suggestions for you to pass on to those who souls are troubled: (continued from yesterday)

5.  Review your calling by God.  In his book The Call, Os Guinness writes, “Calling is the truth that God calls us to himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion and dynamism lived out as a response to his summons and service.”  Later he states, “The notion of calling is vital to each of us because it touches on the modern search for a basis for individual identity and an understanding of humanness itself.”  Guinness goes on to point to the necessity of addressing the deepest questions—Who am I? and Why am I alive?  Calling is not a synonym for a comfortable life, but it acts as a compass when we are lost.

6.    Review the goals and steps of action you have for your life.  You may have impossible goals, or you may lack a practical strategy to fulfill them.  Both of them need to be reviewed regularly.  Church leaders waste huge amounts of time on things that have nothing to do with their calling or goals.  View your life in terms of whole-life stewardship for the glory of God.

7.  Review the way you are managing your whole life.  Your life may feel out of control because it is out of control.  You may need to take inventory of your time, your relationships, your finances, and your health in order to accomplish the goals you have for your life.

8.  Rest in God’s grace, love and acceptance of you.  You don’t have to earn God’s love and acceptance.  Through the grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus, God has imputed to you Christ’s righteousness and you are a beloved son in whom God is well pleased.  You can’t earn more favor from God than you have right now.  Because you are a child of God, he doesn’t demand anything more than the substitutionary atonement of his Son, Jesus Christ, to declare you righteous.

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