Thursday, May 14, 2015


The story is told of an investigative reporter who was given the assignment by his editor to cover the story of the citrus industry in Florida.  

Upon arriving at a citrus farm, the reporter entered a shed where he discovered an older man sorting oranges.  The worker shared with the reporter that he had been an “orange sorter” for 30 years.  The reporter watched with interest as the oranges came tumbling down a conveyor belt.  The “sorter” went to work putting the large oranges in one hole, the small oranges in another and the damaged oranges in another still. The reporter watched the worker perform this incredibly exciting task with a very serious look of interest on his face and this fascinated the reporter.  Finally the reporter asked:

“Doesn’t this get to you? How can you bear up under this day after day year after year without it driving you nuts?”

To which the sorter replied:  “Oh, you don’t know the half of it.  Day after day, I come in here and all day until the time I leave it's, "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions”.

True.  Life is filled with decisions.  What shall I wear?  What should I eat?  What shall I watch on television?  Should I go to college?  If so where?  Who should I hang out with?  Who shall I follow?

Obviously, some decisions are more important than others.  For instance, if I choose the wrong thing to wear, it’s a fashion mistake.  (i.e. the runway at the Oscars! Sometimes I think to myself: Really?)  By-in-large, fashion mistakes carry short-term consequences, right?

But who you choose to hang with and who you decide to follow.  Wow.  The consequences are huge!

  • I chose to marry Sally Hoopengardner.  Good decision.
  • I chose to attend Eastern Nazarene College.  I do not regret it.
  • I am choosing to hang with Nazarenes.  They have become my tribe.
  • I have decided to follow Jesus.  And that one decision has affected every other decision I’ve ever made or ever will make. The world behind me the cross before me, though no one join me, still I will follow. No turning back. No turning back!”

That may be the most important decision a person is ever called upon to make. And here is some good news.....God will give you the grace to enable you to make this decision too!

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