Monday, March 30, 2015


Galatians 5:16 says, "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh."

A number of years ago there was an atomic submarine named Thresher that was destroyed. Thresher was one of a class of nuclear subs that was built so strongly that it could batter its way through ice at the North Pole. As strong as Thresher was though, like all submarines, it had a maximum crush depth beyond which it could not safely go. It exceeded that depth one fateful day and the pressure of the sea water crushed its bulkheads like they were made out of cheap plastic. Searchers found only a few relatively tiny pieces of the huge boat.

Yet there are fish that live at the same depth Thresher was destroyed. How do they do it? The answer isn't complicated. 

They have a pressure within themselves equal to the outside pressure.

There is nothing mysterious about walking by the Spirit. A Christian who walks by the Spirit lives in such a way as to be constantly aware of the realities of faith. He abides in Christ continually and grows so that the mounting pressure inside is more and more equal to the temptation outside. He abides in the Spirit’s word, the Bible, so that grows each day and is more and more conformed to the image of Christ. He acts like Christ. He thinks like Christ. He deals with temptations like Christ.

If you find that you are constantly giving in to temptation, you need to ask yourself what you are doing to build your spiritual life. If there is no strength inside, Satan will sooner or later crush you like an empty eggshell.

Something to think about on this Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story and the teaching. Being under pressure or attacks: the simplicity of faith, even tho it's hard work. The ocean, The sub, the 2 seamen on the sub, I can almost smell the picture. The survival of the fish under all that pressure. WOW!!!!! And here are 2 messages I read , just this morning. Psalm1: 1-2 and Josh 1:8 A perfect fit. Always praying that my glass has more Jesus in it then Lack.
