Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Here's a stat that may surprise you. "Nearly 65 percent of all new permanent residents obtained that status by virtue of their family. 

 DAY SEVEN   By contrast, only 139,000 (roughly 13 percent) were admitted for work purposes. Our immigration policy is driven by an overriding preference for family reunification, which is very broadly defined." 

Jeb proposes limiting guaranteed admissions to spouses and minor children of US citizens only. Reuniting married couples and their children should be the essence of family reunification. 



  1. This is critically urgent as countless families are separated even when one is an American citizen. Meanwhile family units are shattered leaving children to grow up in poverty without the income provider and without one or both parents. We have been through the process within our own family and the incompetence (corruption?) encountered is staggering, the cost as well. Thankfully our story ends happily but the stress and awareness of this reality for thousands upon thousands weighs heavy.

    1. Larry thank you for sharing your experience this. This story speaks to the complexity of the issue. That's why I want as many people as possible to enter into this conversation with me over an extended. Of time so that we can work this thing out together
