Friday, February 27, 2015


Welcome back to the continuing conversation between Jeb Bush and myself concerning the immigration wars. (actually, I'm just reading his book!)


Jeb suggest that "students who obtain advanced degrees in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics should automatically be entitled to work visas if they obtain jobs in those 

fields following graduation."

P.26. Do you think that will take high paying jobs away from those who are already US citizens, or do you think that will actually serve to strengthen our economy?



  1. The caveat/add on to what was proposed is that the person completing the degree has to apply for citizenship in the U.S. prior to being afforded, NOT ENTITLED; the opportunity to do what is proposed in your post. Failure to do so puts our nation at risk from foreign powers where they employ technology spies instead of the old school cold war type. With that said, I believe that initially the high paying job pay out base would be shaken but it would stabilize as the pendulum of stability works its way toward the center again. Will it be the same as before? No, it never is but it does provide a healthy “cleaning” effect. Not unlike that found in nature where the wild grasses of the Serengeti catch fire due to drought and lightning. This burning provides the fertilizer for the next generation of grass which, by the way, needs intense heat like a flame to crack the hull to allow it to germinate. Funny how God has created this world? Stephen Genco

  2. I believe it will strengthen our country. It will bring about healthy competition to a field that needs strengthened. We live in a global economy and people of all ethnicities are needed to make it flourish. Jonathon Maloney
