Sunday, May 10, 2015


Erwin Raphael McManus, in the book "Seizing Your Divine Moment".... suggests faith has more than one dimension.

Jesus said "If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Note: Jesus is not suggesting here that we need more faith to do great things. He is saying it takes very little faith to do great requires first dimension faith.

First - dimension faith is required when God asks us to do something possible...something He has done in the lives of others. We just haven't experienced it yet. Like the faith necessary to begin tithing, or share your faith with others or to quit smoking or trust God for a healing. Most of life's challenges are a test of First dimension faith.

Second dimension faith takes us outside the explainable. It is a faith that enables us to see the impossible as possible. To use an over-used word: miracle. Miracles can't be explained.

For instance, let's look at Daniel. His prayers at the window every day, even though it was illegal to do so and could have cost him his life, required first dimension faith. His prayers in the face of a hungry lion required a different kind of faith. He knew he would be safe and eat a nice breakfast in the morning, even though a very big cat drooled on him all night.....Second Dimension Faith!

Do you need God to do the impossible? Ask for the faith necessary to face the impossibilities of life.

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